SKRIVET: 2009-11-06, kl 04:48:41 | PUBLICERAT I: I USA
Nu vet ni det.When confronted by an aggressive driver:
Avoid eye contact.
Stay calm and relaxed.
Make every attempt to get out of the way safely. Do not escalate the situation.
Put your pride in the back seat. Do not challenge an aggressive driver by speeding up or attempting to hold your position in your travel lane.
Wear a seat belt and encourage your passengers to do the same.
Ignore harassing gestures and name calling, and do not return them.
Report aggressive drivers to the appropriate law enforcement authorities by providing a vehicle description, location, license plate number, and direction of travel.
If you are being followed by an aggressive or threatening driver, do not stop or get out of your vehicle. Drive directly to the nearest police station.
If an aggressive driver is involved in a crash, stop a safe distance from the crash scene. When the police arrive, report the driving behavior you witnessed.
Så nu vet ni detta.

svar; Ja precis, de lever ju annorlundare än vi och så. Man får väl försöka att se allt positivt :P Ja men tömma diskmaskinen och hämta posten uppskattas nog allt!
Finns det lucia där, va kul! :D Men det är ju bra att det flyter på! :)