SKRIVET: 2010-07-04, kl 15:19:30 | PUBLICERAT I: I USA

4th of July

This post will onlz be in english. I guess it's easier sence I'm at Betty's house and I cannot write in swedish. The plans for today anyway is to go to Cony Island on the verz end of Brooklyn, and no mention that it takes forever to go to with the subway. But what are you willing to sacrefice to get a new cool experience. A Hot Dog contest is waiting and I think it will be completelly revolting but I'd like to see it anyway. Then it's pick-nick, mazbe central park and also fireworks. What is a 4th of July without the mandatory fireworks? -Not 4th of July as long as I can tell. Have a great one everyone, Cause that's how we say it here in the States.


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